Consulting Services

Welcome to the Consulting Services page of Jeremy A. Roberts, DrBA, where extensive expertise meets strategic execution. Dr. Roberts offers a broad spectrum of consulting services designed to guide businesses through transformative changes and market challenges. With almost three decades of experience in digital transformation, strategic business turnarounds, and go-to-market strategies, Dr. Roberts equips organizations with the tools needed for revitalization and robust market entry. His services extend to educational workshops and speaking engagements that offer insights and inspire innovation. Additionally, Dr. Roberts’ active participation on various boards and his legislative advocacy underscore his role as a pivotal influencer in policy-making that supports economic development, small business growth, and community engagement. Discover how Dr. Roberts’ unique blend of services can empower your organization’s journey to market leadership and strategic success.

Digital Transformation Consulting


Digital transformation reshapes how organizations leverage technology, culture, and business processes to radically change business performance. Dr. Roberts brings a holistic approach, focusing on integrating People, Process, Technology, Data, Customers, and Culture, to drive the digital overhaul businesses require today.

Services Offered

  • Technology Integration: Implementing cutting-edge technologies to enhance digital customer journeys, supported by Dr. Roberts’ expertise in MarTech and other digital tools to refine marketing strategies and operational efficiency.
  • Cultural Reformation: Cultivating a digital-first mindset across all levels of the organization to embrace change and innovation, a principle Dr. Roberts has applied effectively during his tenure on multiple corporate boards and in executive roles.
  • Process Digitalization: Streamlining business processes through automation and enhanced digital practices that improve efficiency and reduce costs. Dr. Roberts’ experience in leading operational transformations for global brands underpins this offering.

Client Impact

Adobe Clients and various industry organizations have benefited from Dr. Roberts’ guidance through digital transformation initiatives that not only enhanced their technological footprints but also culturally revolutionized their practices leading to significant market advantages.

Strategic Business Turnarounds


Revitalizing businesses with strategic turnarounds involves not just acute market repositioning but also fundamental changes in operation and strategy. Dr. Roberts’ extensive background in driving such transformations equips him with the unique ability to deliver impactful results.

Services Offered

  • Market Reanalysis and Repositioning: Utilizing data-driven insights to reassess market positions and identify strategic pivots to enhance competitive edges.
  • Operational Restructuring: Redefining organizational processes and infrastructure to improve efficiency and productivity, using Dr. Roberts’ successful track record with companies like Harland Clarke and Prosperas.
  • Financial Overhauling: Implementing cost management strategies and revenue enhancement initiatives that Dr. Roberts has perfected through decades of executive leadership and consulting.

Client Impact

Through targeted strategic initiatives, Dr. Roberts has helped organizations across Fortune 500 not only survive market turbulences but thrive with renewed business models and significantly improved financial standings.

Educational Workshops and Speaking Engagements


Dr. Roberts offers a range of workshops and speaking engagements designed to impart knowledge, inspire innovation, and prepare organizations for the challenges of modern markets. His sessions are backed by real-world experience and tailored to the specific needs of the audience.

Services Offered

  • Custom Workshops: Interactive sessions that cover various aspects of digital marketing, big data analytics, and digital transformation strategies.
  • Keynote Speaking: Inspirational talks at conferences, panels, and events on topics ranging from marketing technology to business transformation and community leadership.
  • Training and Development: Programs designed to enhance skills and competencies in digital tools, strategic thinking, and marketing innovations.

Client Impact

As a speaker at major conferences and a facilitator of exclusive workshops, Dr. Roberts has educated and motivated thousands of professionals and students. His engagements at institutions like Texas A&M University San Antonio and events like Digital Summit and MarTech have consistently been well-received.

Go-to-Market Strategies


Dr. Roberts’ approach to go-to-market strategies encompasses comprehensive market analysis, audience targeting, product positioning, and multi-channel marketing execution, tailored to ensure successful market entries and expansions.

Services Offered

  • Market Entry Planning: Developing robust market entry strategies that identify clear paths to capture market share and accelerate growth.
  • Product Launches: Orchestrating full-scale product introductions from market readiness assessments to launch execution and post-launch reviews.
  • International Market Penetration: Guiding businesses into new regional and international markets with culturally and economically tailored strategies.

Client Impact

Companies like Left Brain + Right Brain, Technology North, and Prosperas have successfully entered and expanded in international markets, leveraging Dr. Roberts’ strategic insights and tactical plans that ensured their brand’s global success.

Legislative Advocacy


With profound experience on various legislative and advisory boards, Dr. Roberts specializes in advocating for policies that support economic development, small business growth, and community benefits.

Services Offered

  • Policy Advocacy: Representing the interests of small businesses and the tech community in legislative processes to foster supportive policies and beneficial reforms.
  • Community Representation: Acting as a liaison between businesses and governmental bodies to secure economic incentives and support for community projects.
  • Regulatory Navigation: Helping organizations understand and maneuver through complex regulatory environments to avoid pitfalls and leverage governmental programs.

Client Impact

Through his role in the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and other boards, Dr. Roberts has significantly influenced legislation and policy-making that supports business growth and community development.

Board Participation


Dr. Roberts’ board memberships reflect his commitment to using his expertise to influence decisions and lead initiatives that have wide-reaching implications on public services and community welfare.

Services Offered

  • Strategic Decision-Making: Contributing to board discussions and decisions with a focus on strategic growth and community impact, drawing on years of executive experience.
  • Corporate Governance: Enhancing governance structures with best practices in accountability, transparency, and strategic planning.
  • Community and Economic Development: Driving initiatives that promote economic resilience, educational excellence, and community health through active board engagements.

Client Impact

As a current and former member of various boards and committees for organizations like the American Red Cross, San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, San Antonio Water Systems, Airport Advisory Commission and Small Business Advisory Commission for the City of San Antonio, Northeast Lakeview College, St. Anthony Catholic School, and the VIA Transit Community Council, Dr. Roberts has steered significant community-focused projects and governance reforms that have enriched lives and nurtured economic prosperity.